On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, OSE Group would like to reiterate its support and desire to welcome more women into French industry!
We thank all the women at OSE Group who are helping to make the future of industry better by developing innovative solutions!
Thank you to ;
Adriane, Alice, Alix, Amélie, Anne, Asifaati, Aurélie, Axelle, Camille, Carine, Caroline, Charlie, Chloé, Christine, Elodie, Fanny, Francine, Gabriela, Isabelle, Joanne, Lucie, Margot, Marie-Lyse, Marion, Mathilde, Mélissa, Nathalie, Nelly, Patricia, Pauline, Solange and Viviane.
To all of you, from the supply chain to the various design offices, from the workshop to the accounting department, from human resources to sales.
"All women have the right to live without fear of violence, to realize their potential and to take their place in all aspects of society."
At OSE Group, we remain vigilant to ensure that the working environment is healthy and respectful for all.
Because it's together that we'll go further towards a better future.
Would you like to join us?
Contact us: rh@ose-group.com